For this dish, you can use leftover pasta, vegetables, chicken, fish or beans for protein. You can also often find a can or two of crushed tomatoes and a piece of cheese in your kitchen.
Chop the vegetables into large pieces and sauté them in a pan with a splash of oil; you can also add garlic if you have some. Add the protein (e.g., chicken, fish or beans) and fry until cooked if the product is uncooked. Season with salt and black pepper. Add the crushed tomatoes, pour a splash of water into the cans and add it to the pan. Allow to simmer for 5–10 minutes and add the cooked pasta. Mix.
Pour the whole thing into a greased baking dish and top with grated cheese. Bake in the oven at approximately 200 °C for 20–25 minutes.
You can garnish the dish with some chopped herbs at the end.
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