2 pcs
2 (200 g) beetroots
2 dl lukewarm water (about 37 degrees)
25 g yeast (2 teaspoons of dry yeast)
1 tsp salt
½ tsp sugar
About 6 dl wheat flour
1 pot of fresh basil
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp of toasted pine nuts
1 dl Maku-extra virgin olive oil
5 tbsp parmesan grated cheese
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp sea salt
2 (200 g) beetroots
200 g goat’s cheese
1 broccoli
1 red onion
250 g yellow and orange cherry tomatoes
150 g large green (seedless) olives
Extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper
1 tbsp roasted pine nuts
Peel and finely chop the beetroots (2 pcs) to be used in the dough. Puree with a mixer or mini chopper until smooth.
Prepare the pizza base. Mix the yeast and sugar in lukewarm water. Add salt, beetroot puree and flour. Knead the dough until it is soft and elastic. Place the bowl covered with a cloth in a warm place and let the dough rise for 1,5 hours.
In the meantime, prepare the pesto. Place the basil leaves, toasted pine nuts, grated parmesan cheese and peeled garlic cloves into a blender. Blend until smooth. Add the oil and spices, check the taste and add more spices if necessary.
Prepare the fillings. Chop the broccoli and bring to a rapid boil in a small amount of salted water. Peel the beetroot that will go on top of the pizza and slice it into thin chips using a Maku mandolin slicer. Slice the goat’s cheese. Shred the onion. Cut the tomatoes in half.
Roll out or pat the dough onto a baking sheet on oiled baking paper into two round pizza bases.
Spread pesto on the pizza bases.
Spread the vegetables, olives and beetroot and goat’s cheese slices on top of the pizzas. Add a drizzle of olive oil on top. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper.
Bake for about 20 minutes at 200°C. Garnish the cooked pizzas with arugula and toasted pine nuts.
We welcome retailers who value style, quality, a wide range of kitchen products and excellent value for money.
Maku kitchen life products are sold in well-stocked department stores and supermarkets across the country.
Viinikankatu 36, FI-33800 TAMPERE
Tel. +358 3 252 1111