150 g butter
195 g plain flour
85 g caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
Scant ½ tsp salt
3 eggs
200 ml whole milk
For dipping:
Melted milk or dark chocolate
Melt the butter, then let cool down. Mix together the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix together the eggs and milk. Combine with the dry ingredients, then mix in the butter thoroughly. The batter should be rather thick.
Lightly brush a waffle iron with butter, pour in the batter and cook. Take out the cooked waffles and let cool on a plate or a board, but do not stack them on top of each other, otherwise they will become soggy.
Cut the waffles into sticks (or alternatively, divide into segments, depending on the pattern of your waffle iron), then first dip into the melted chocolate and after that into the sprinkles. Place the sticks on parchment paper, and in the refrigerator if necessary, until the chocolate has completely set.
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